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Youth Market Livestock Show (Steer, Hog, Lamb)

Show Info


Show Rules

(Market Exhibitors must be from Nassau, Duval, Clay, Baker or St. Johns Counties.)
These rules are in addition to other rules written elsewhere in this book.
1. Project books are required for all market animal exhibitors in order to show, this includes lambs, steers and swine. A book is required for each market animal shown.
2. Project books will be handed out at Mandatory Market Exhibitor Check-in, July 22. Books must be turned in Tuesday, October 15, by 7:00 p.m. to the beef, lamb, or swine chairperson.
3. Project books will be judged by the Modified Danish System of Judging. All books will receive ribbons. The top three books in each age division will receive money and rosettes.
Juniors ages 8-10 as of September 1
Intermediates ages 11-13 as of September 1
Seniors ages 14-18 as of September 1 and not graduated
1st Place Rosette + $25.00
2nd Place Rosette + $20.00
3rd Place Rosette + $10.00
4. Market exhibitors must write thank-you letters to their buyers. Letters and unsealed stamped envelope addressed to the buyer must be sent to the NEFF, P.O. Box 1070, Callahan, FL 32011 by November 30. Letters will be approved by the livestock committee. This includes if the buyer was a family member. Exhibitors not complying will be prohibited from showing in market programs the next year. No checks will be mailed until letters are received (seniors included) and buyers have paid.
5. All market exhibitors and their parents or guardians will be required to sign an agreement, at the Mandatory Market Exhibitor Check-in, agreeing to abide by all rules and requirements to show a market animal.
6. Market exhibitors and parents or guardians will be required to attend a MANDATORY MARKET MEETING & CLINIC in order to show and sell a market animal. The date is August 17 at 10:00 a.m., at the Northeast Florida Fairgrounds. Failure to comply will result in the exhibitor not showing or selling in the market program.
7. Exhibitors who are unable to be at the market sale must get a letter from their coach, band director or other persons stating reason for not attending the sale. Letters must be approved by market sale committee. Letters must be turned in at the final weigh-in.
8. It is recommended that market exhibitors write at least 3 letters inviting buyers to the sale.
9. All market exhibitors are responsible for finding their own buyers.
10. Market exhibitors will be paid after obligations have been met and buyers have paid.
11. Buyer Checks should be written to the Northeast Florida Fair.
12. A 3% fee will be deducted from the sale of the animal. The fee will be used to help offset the cost of the Market Show and Sale.
13. Market animals will only be weighed once at the final weigh-in. Animals that do not meet the minimum or maximum weight will be penned according to their weight. After the weigh-in is complete high and low weights will be screened with the possibility to remain at the fair. The highs and lows will be accepted at the discretion of the Livestock Committee. The Northeast Florida Fair reserves the right to deny any animal that is injured, sick or has a sickly appearance. Market animal exhibitors with market animals that meet the weight requirements will participate in the Youth Market Show and Sale. These exhibitors and animals will be placed on the sale order by class placing and weight. Exhibitors whose animals did not meet the minimum or maximum weight will have the opportunity to sell the animal at the market sale. These animals will be placed at the end of the sale order.
14. Livestock shall not be exhibited or shown if drugs administered in accordance with federal, state, local statutes, regulations and rules affect the animal’s performance or appearance at the event. Any surgical procedure, injections or insertion of foreign material, substance or drug or the external application of any substance (irritant, counterirritant or similar substance) which could affect the animal’s performance or alter its natural contour, confirmation or appearance of an animal’s body will not be tolerated.
15. The Market Show and Sale is a TERMINAL event. All animals will be transported by the Northeast Florida Fair to either Nettles Sausage & Beef Processing or North Florida Custom Meats. Per State of Florida guidelines all market animals must be processed at an approved USDA processor.

Youth 4-H and FFA Livestock Rules

Northeast Florida Fair General Livestock Rules

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